Thursday 22 December 2022

Jingle Bells


The autumn was unusually warm and the serious rains only came to us very late. Due to the long drought only a few mushrooms have dared to lift their heads from the earth. My house carried on as an ideal hunting grounds for mosquitos. Continue reading ->

Monday 12 December 2022

Sweet honey

Along with olive oil and goat cheeses, Lesvos has a lot to offer: like honey. When enquiring about the best honey, you will find suggestions for many sources. It seems every village has its own beekeeper and no matter to which local seller you go to buy, the honey tastes like food for the gods.
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Thursday 1 December 2022

Dream Hotel

When friends were joking about a Hilton on Faneromeni beach I thought they were kidding. But they were not far off from the truth: there are plans for a hotel to be built in the area between that house that rises like a pink creamy pudding at the Faneromeni beach and the little cave church, (Zoodochos Pigi). Continue reading ->